Highline List

Monday, September 6, 2010


New production from my friend Wojtek Kozakiewicz (VacasPurpuras) is ready. It's the third slackline movie made by him. As you can see it is black and white. This time the main characters are: my lovely girlfriend Faith Dickey and Hayley Ashburn. Both of them are really experienced highliners. They rigged the highline together using 2 webbings (red "White Magic") tensioned with Line-Grip + pulleys system method.

hung in a harness for a long time and the rigging took all together 3 hours in a heavy sun. As we (the male part of the crew) were "not welcome" for the rigging we showed up later in a day and just help with some last pulls.
Hayley didn't have enough time to work on the line because together with Flo she had to take off to Stuttgart.
Faith sent the line both ways and than let everyone else have some attempts (Flo had the first sent that day - he did really well!).

Wojtek's LCD screen in his camera was broken so he didn't know exactly what photos he shot. In my opinion the footage is still really nice quality and the editing is awesome (the same as chosen music). I am always happy to work with Wojtek and right now Faith has the same feeling.

The "inspiration" for this movie was production "Girls Only Highline" trailer from Sebmontaz.com which is about two girls (Jelena Schradi and Ingrid Laillaut De Wacquant) rigging and walking some highlines together. I had pleasure to meet and highline with Jelena in Millau (FR) during "Vibram Natural Games" festival.

always wants to promote the sport to the other girls and get more of them into highlining. This is more urban vision captured by VacasPurpuras fisheye lengths. The title of the movie came from 3 hours of rigging compared to 3 minutes time of walking the line.

So, here we go. "3:03" and girls on the 42m long and 30m high "Sieg Highline!" in Berlin, ENJOY!

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