Highline List

Sunday, February 19, 2012

"Pierożek" Highline

Despite bad weather outside the window it was finally time to start highline season 2012. We need to be fast with realization of our projects because of the (next) upcoming end of the world J. I had to stop my ‘heavy-longline training’ for sometime because of a especially low temperatures. It was a great opportunity to kick my own ass training hard at the climbing gyms, which was totally fine with me. Most of my upcoming highline projects for this year involve lots of climbing so it is good to built strong climbing base for it anyway. As the old proverb says “Every cloud has a silver lining”. I couldn't stand no highlining for too long. I started to miss it pretty bad and thinking a lot about my last trip to Moab (UT, USA) where I have walked 14 different lines free solo and 26 highlines in total. That was really good times.

Finally the moment was right and after short exchange of information with my good buddy Maciek Borucz aka. ‘Bor’ from Łódź in Poland, I have decided it was time ‘to rage hard again’. Together with Maciek and irreplaceable Rafał Kubiak aka. ‘Pigmej we were planning on rigging two lines located inside old quarries in Kielce area. Our common friend Magda Smorąg discovered the place for highlining and both lines have been rigged and sent before already by the gentlemen from Łódź. Even thought the lines have been sent already and the winter aura wasn’t really appealing the need to highline was way too strong. For these, which don’t know about which lines I am writing about, it were of course “Pierożek” Highline (17m length/12m height) and “Machete” Highline (33m length/20m height). Both highlines were rigged one year ago, using smaller or bigger trees as an anchor points. The decision about bolting the shorter line was made after conversation with Maciek and Rafał. “Pierożek” is a great line for all beginners; both ends are safe to start on, and the line offers ‘friendly’ exposure, height and length. During first rigging the total amount of all spansets used exceeded whole length of the line. That is why, in my opinion, it was totally worth to bolt it!

Maciej 'Bor' Borucz sending primary "Pierożek" Highline (Photo Dominik Kapusta) 

Magda Smorąg on the original "Pierożek" (Photo Dominik Kapusta)

After too many beers, hours on the train and in a car, plus not enough sleep we finally arrived. The rigging was preceded by approach in a snow up to our knees height. Digging in a snow to find a solid rock and deciding where to place the bolts in it took us the longest time. Drilling and bolting went really quick thanks to HILTI power drill and fully charged battery. We used three 12mm diameter expansion bolts per anchor. Two of them, which were the ‘main points’, where 15cm in length and the last back-up bolt was a bit shorter with 10cm in length. We encourage repeating the line! To build the anchors you will need 6 of the 12mm diameter hangers and two 1m spansets to equalize the points.

Pigmej adding some 'extra power' for his personal drilling slave (Photo Maciej Borucz) 

Unfortunately the days are still pretty short and we had just enough time to rig only one line. We are planning coming back for “Machete” in two weeks already. Furthermore we might check out and bolt some new lines in “Stokówka” quarry.

To check out "Machete" Highline take a look on this video from the FA:

Re-bolted short highline kept its name. Original “Pierożek” highline lost around one meter from its length of 18 meters. All three of us had a really good day with lots of amazing sends. I opened my highline season 2012 by sending “Pierożek” Highline OS-FM free solo with some surfing action (actually the surfing was way bigger when I was sending naked ... I don't know what is the connection between that facts) ... Maciek cruised across the line in a swami-belt and ‘Pigmej’ finally raged really hard and at the end walked his first highline in a swami. Both strongmen from Łódź throw lots of tricks and Maciek and I sent the line naked showing big middle … finger to the cold weather ;-) ...

On-Sight Free Solo, Full Man ascent (Photo Rafał Kubiak) 
Pigmej being 'so psyched brah!' (Photo Maciej Borucz)

Pigmej throwing down some sick double knee drop (Photo Maciej Borucz)

'Red Butt' in action (Photo Rafał Kubiak)

Getting ready for some naked surfin' action (Photo Rafał Kubiak)

Back in Łódź we were talking and planning while drinking beer again. It was an endless night. I think for sure we are not lacking motivation which I wish for all of you and myself. Keep the rage high! And in one week already I’m hoping to send some more lines – this time together with Maciek and Damian in Sokoliki.

You can take a look for more photos by clicking HERE (just scroll down to the photos at the bottom if you don't understand polish).

Peace & SlackOn!